Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Software To Unlock Scrambled Channels

draw Sailor Dress Sale


I want to give away my Alice and the Pirates.
It's about this dress here: Worn


Dimensions: chest to 90 inches, waist to 80 inches maximum.

The principle of the draw is as follows:

A "Go", ie the participation costs 5 €. There are 15 "lots", ie sites for participants, the odds are 1:15.
your report you to authentic and I list you here in the post in the order in which it logs you.
you send your 5 € to my paypal address (ninachanATfreenetPUNKTde) with your LJ Nick here, so I can allocate the payment.
As in Germany, no private payments as gifts are possible, Paypal fees are added. So I would ask you to send another 35 cents more, which is the fee that the individual for each transaction, (the 1.7% of the amount yet to be deducted in addition take over, I, D) If you want to work around the can, me the money. also like to transfer my account details I'll send it on request by PM.
come Otherwise no additional costs to you, the only winner I lynx again postage from their choice; D

As soon as I receive all your payments will draw lots I do.
This will take place from the website I give here the numbers 1 through 15, and the number that the machine spits out, get the dress. The numbers on the sequence of application awarded, so there are no advantages or disadvantages. Upon request, I let myself in triggering film also happy so you can see that everything is above board: D

The sooner we get 15 people together, the more likely it is drawn, so that's enough here also apply to friends.
If this gets a positive response, I'll make it in the future, perhaps several times Sun

I'm looking forward and if you have any questions, just post: D


first [info] uke_no_heya transfer
second [info] princess_soffel transfer
third [info] 0kia0 Paypal
4th [info] yorosabi Paypal
5th [info] krikri_chan transfer
6th [info] xxyumekaxx Paypal
7th Spring Cash
8. [info] meriquee   Überweisung
9. [info] sansonnet   Überweisung
10. [info] erinnye_maeve   Überweisung
11. [info] dollstragedy   Überweisung
12. [info] duplica_chan   Überweisung
13. [info] amaya_in_love   Paypal
14. [info] chouettedlnuit Überweisung
15. [info] poezzie   Paypal




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