Gee whiz, what's going on only in degree? I would love to sell my whole Lolita things. Bye and gone. I just stick loppe much (in case of interest please) including both of my Sailor JSKs that I still have, the Windows Print and other stuff. It bugs me, I do not know why. Nevertheless, it is not that I want nothing new. For weeks now, I only think of these two parts:
Do want! For my Windos Print has offered me a long JSK of the print right, but the dress I want. The skirt has namely a Bustle Back on chiffon \u0026lt;3
Hachi and I have reserved a dress and a skirt of the Sacred Night series of delivery, hopefully that's up to the end of February as GLT.
The Rock is my all black, even a long one:
The theme of the GLT is masked ball and Hachi and I twinner with the pompous print, set cool. I need black and gold accessories ;______;
I'm really a very ambilvalentes relationship with Lolita straight. I dislike more, and all my old stuff which is also not new. Actually I want to wrap my Midsummer Nights Dream, My Nightmare Castle of IW and my blouse with my Tricorn, I roll with them and hope that everything else is just transformed into something new. Maybe a sailor pinup dress or a nice pair of shoes or makeup. In fact, total public, I also love the other clothes! I will try the next few weeks to practice her make up, I always presupposes that the same three things. Teipuuu, I'll annoy \u0026lt;3
Otherwise, my off-white Ansie OP came back home after Tanya I sold back added. I am glad that it's back. I still do and again not really know what to combine with it, but I love the dress simple. That is, until I have found a reasonable solution, so!
And I've found that I am definitely more of the rock type. Each time I JSK reg me about it, that it does not fit properly under the shoulders pinched, not the waist sits right blabla. Even with my beloved Midsummer Nights Dream, is left a tad too tight, but nothing more annoying. But in all the other clothes I have not the important things-stay fit. Skirts are great, if they fit the waist, they fit and point. Therefore, I just try to continue to turn my current JSK to rock ratio. I'm only four dresses or so but for eight skirts, that would be great: D
And since you need more shirts and I will always always buy blouses, but always have a thousand reasons, it not to do. I love this blouse! XD
geschwafelt Enough, I lunger times more around the web.
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