Every War - victimizm ~
had today a world-view entertainment with Kai, a 26 year old work colleagues ausm T6. Kai's something like the average German, who think its time (much time, as unemployment) spends about life.
And now and then, like today, he played on as a guru. When he had the `fakkin Life invented. And some of his views are something I will not say "shit", but rather "unkompatibel" with mine. I am a stubborn person and my views can shake a little, but I hate it when someone gave me, in front of NEN bar head, will narrate something about life. Especially when sentences such as "you do not mind your life"
not understand me wrong. I like these discussions and I like Kai too, but they inspire me partly because it probably is just such a stubborn way as I do. Only he is far from any reality sometimes.
as he tries to invent something, to apply for a patent and then to make the rich coal. And He spent some years trying not to do the outside. And in the end nothing comes out. And he says that he would rather quickly is something Reich as his life work too long for a reward, without any prospects of success and more.
It is not wrong to work hard all his life, even if one does so on the spot. Someone must do something, to sacrifice and do what no one wants to do. Maybe I need to do, at some point when I stopped dreaming, but I talk to people, so life is not bad. Where would we be without sacrifice?
If Kai really invent something, then I do not begrudge it to him. But I know in my heart of hearts that he's not is. Something is no longer dreams, delusions of grandeur and that is an illusion.
Well, and even if I, in his view, nothing out of my life doing, that's my business. Anyway I live in a completely different level than he is. All his experiences with women and that's all old glory of days gone by, not worth the toilet paper with which he wipes his ass ... it all means nothing to me. I am looking for the ultimate self-discovery. Something that distinguishes me as an individual from the crowd, something that makes me valuable and not easily copied. Stuff like that can not be compared with any drug stories that are finished in small sex orgies. Even if it's the bragging great sounds.
And at some point I will either reach that status, or go through life as the average pseudo and bring my offering.
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