Monday, May 29, 2006

How To Change Email Language To English


Back from Cologne. A very nice city, even if we have (because Tim and Moritz Hängrigkeit) seen not much. We got ourselves shoots with Kölsch and went onto Konzi drunk. I again spent too much money, but in hindsight wars in any case value.

in concert we will be back playing our audacity. We have provided ultra jostles at the snake that came up and we have somehow mitteinreingestellt easily between middle and top. In the hall, we are left pre-run on the side quite well and have tried from the side reinzudrängeln. Start with some problems. Since machines with me first so Spassti held with glasses ne homily and I did non know whether to cry or kick him suffering from Mitt. Nen Really Honk. Then there was ne girl group that we have our "BREAK THROUGH" split maneuvers and were on einma in nem tank of ultra-nasty Visuchixxen.

One shouts "hey, that makes her just because you have so nen fatso" (she meant me XD) and when I roll over and see who it did not say that I see only ma nix. When I looked down and Knöttel've discovered, could speak and that was exactly as wide as high, I did something exceptionally self pinched say. That was me then NEN bit too poor. Moritz then came up and said to her, "You are Just jealous! LOOKING FOR YOU NEN OWN FAT SACK XD

Well the humor facts has the degree of this offense covered XD And so we were standing there in the middle. But I believe that this Tussn had frightened me, because I have done nothing ... but Tim had to suffer. Ettlich Lasting and even a punch in the face he suffered. What does it great harm, what you see in the videos. It is, unfortunately, all his life, mentally retarded since. Well, actually the same as before XD

And before we know it, we were in the third row, exactly in front of Kyo and have totally rocks .!!!! Was ultra geil XD Strangely, the people were there in the middle of a lot cooler. have shared water, talked during the breaks and made jokes about sagging together visual acuity in the rows ahead of us. Very cool.

Well. Here are the videos: TIM LIVE AND UNCENSORED! Abspacken + + + SPECIAL EROTIC STRIP 4 THE CHIXXXX!

Tim pr0n, pr0n !!!!! 11 111

have phun! XD

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Inexpensive Wedding Invitations

Every War - victimizm ~

had today a world-view entertainment with Kai, a 26 year old work colleagues ausm T6. Kai's something like the average German, who think its time (much time, as unemployment) spends about life.

And now and then, like today, he played on as a guru. When he had the `fakkin Life invented. And some of his views are something I will not say "shit", but rather "unkompatibel" with mine. I am a stubborn person and my views can shake a little, but I hate it when someone gave me, in front of NEN bar head, will narrate something about life. Especially when sentences such as "you do not mind your life"

not understand me wrong. I like these discussions and I like Kai too, but they inspire me partly because it probably is just such a stubborn way as I do. Only he is far from any reality sometimes.

as he tries to invent something, to apply for a patent and then to make the rich coal. And He spent some years trying not to do the outside. And in the end nothing comes out. And he says that he would rather quickly is something Reich as his life work too long for a reward, without any prospects of success and more.

It is not wrong to work hard all his life, even if one does so on the spot. Someone must do something, to sacrifice and do what no one wants to do. Maybe I need to do, at some point when I stopped dreaming, but I talk to people, so life is not bad. Where would we be without sacrifice?

If Kai really invent something, then I do not begrudge it to him. But I know in my heart of hearts that he's not is. Something is no longer dreams, delusions of grandeur and that is an illusion.

Well, and even if I, in his view, nothing out of my life doing, that's my business. Anyway I live in a completely different level than he is. All his experiences with women and that's all old glory of days gone by, not worth the toilet paper with which he wipes his ass ... it all means nothing to me. I am looking for the ultimate self-discovery. Something that distinguishes me as an individual from the crowd, something that makes me valuable and not easily copied. Stuff like that can not be compared with any drug stories that are finished in small sex orgies. Even if it's the bragging great sounds.

And at some point I will either reach that status, or go through life as the average pseudo and bring my offering.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Sample Home Page Of Any Famous Person

nozhni dozor or so ~ Guardian nacht

me Hab grad Night Watch inveigled. I find that a very successful film. Unfortunately, not as hard as I had imagined and the potential technical and digital story just not at a level that could have easily fit in this film. However, he has impressed me and the end promises more.

This "will be a second part and show what about the fate of the world" mood, I find quite cool!

him stare at you if you have not yet. Otherwise, I'm

very grateful for movie recommendations. Because my collection is getting bigger and I just do not know what I am to bring me.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What To Write In A Sister's Wedding Card

hate fear hate fear - can`t decide !

I hate it. My grandpa is again driven to the doctor. I come home and my grandma sits back and tells me "that there is non to him good" (the second ma in the last 7 days). I mean he is old and sick and the course of nature will win either way, but I hate it when they spread it like that "Seih CONCERNED" Propaganda.

It's not be so, that I am concerned non. I'm just always the last one has knowledge of something and then only if the shit is steaming on. And then they expect something like consolation. Well, I mean really just my grandma. My grandpa is The Clint Eastwood among men. He even runs around with NEM mild heart attack or broken leg with NEM.

I understand my grandmother, but the bad, make me mad at the end of the matter is the way I noticed something. If my grandpa has something, then she tells me about it only when he is not stop there. Apparently he does not want me on the issues that have both noticed something. The respect I have, even if it's stupid, but if I do either way but then my grandma know when he is not that, then I could run against the wall.

In my small world of discontent, I am busy with a thousand problems and one of them is my life. Since find I did a bit odd that I'm from the school, wants nothing more than to put my rest and time to sleep, to think three or four hours just nothing, and someone this "to him it is not good" atomic bomb on my soul down throws.

I realize I'm just more empty and the life in this apartment with those two just feels wrong. I'm something like the Gregor Samsa, my family. The more I realize that my family is doing badly, more so grows my tank, I hide behind me and I will always be more of a parasite that does not belong here.

did I most fear, one day to be without them. They, especially my grandpa, are something like the stabilizers in my life. I'm afraid to get out of control, because my life was so far out they are made to not disappoint too much. Who am I to live and strive, if she is not longer there? How many crashes I will have to accept if my training wheels are gone? I dunno what I currently have more feeling ... hate on the course of events or concerns about the course of the future.

Saturday, May 6, 2006

Milena Velbablog Archive


Yesterday I was in t6 and fortunately had Rafiq, my guide, my desk chief's birthday. He was proud 43 years old! Well, and there were a lot of music. There was, for a nasty beer that I've got two bottles away and made my friend Mr. Jacky Cola sir! I do dont know how much I'm drunk ... I'm just noticeable degree level at my cat and killed my perception, as I really abgefakkt. And I must stink XD because I'm out of my room ... and I got ne watermelon ... new items ... and I noticed ... the müffelt the room fully.

Outdoor is right hammer degree weather and the nights are even hotter. I have seriously considered whether I was last night should not simply rest on the water tower to sleep. They are perfect Summernaitos! XD How then probably only in the summer when they are already so hot XD Gabs actually already ma ne night, the 30 or more degrees was hot * g *

Well yesterday was ... cool XD