Yesterday's outfit Because I promised
to post some pics today and because I hardly do so though I wear lolita almost daily lately - outfit post! Today I'm wearing my Innocent World Op, the one that won't let me raise my arms xD Aaand I'm wearing the cardi I bought from chokelate
that arrived in the mail yesterday. Awesome thing! Here you go, please excuse crappy cell phone pics in my office's hallway, as always xD Shoes: New Yorker
Tights: random

OP: Innocent World
Bolero: offbrand
Aaand some detail shots for the bolero and the bodice of the OP<3
Tha lace is pretty awesome!

Today I'm wearing my long Stained Glass Seraphim but no pics now. I will post some later or tomorrow.
And yay for internet, the tecnician (or is engineer the right word here? I dunno) came today and connected our flat. I hope it works! *__*
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