Friday, December 10, 2010
How Long For Piles After Labour
I cry just because I still get no Invoice by Closet Child and her staff for international orders now est times a week on vacation ;_____;
I called my coat to the war neither BMS nor for Christmas and I am sick just to the right, when there is a Christmas D: Because I
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Grad School Letter Of Intent Template
bad 'm in it to keep track:
Jacob, Mama
X: X
Grandma: X
Papa: Mama
Jakob:> (which is a half X)
Jakob sister: X
Jakob niece X
Sarah: X (I must look for these iTunes card xD)
gift for myself: X YEAH xD
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Why Do You Have To Be 21 To Get Cigarette Coupons
Yesterday, my coat in the mail and I must say, the print is simply the wonder most beautiful thing I've ever seen * o *
But I am very happy that I get the dress, the skirt is so portable that is level, quite close ey. Well, tomorrow I get by Leonor the money and then he moves on: D
Today I had him briefly, I thought I should in any case, Coord to make xD
was also now the hiking BPN-dress and it fits perfectly! Sure, the sleeves are a bit short, but those are all operating at my sleeve. I'm surprised that it is from so solid, that's totally great! I love BPN, it fits great and looks so good ;___; grade am I in love with this:
It's not even particularly expensive. I like to BPN, and they make super cool accessories and shoes! But unfortunately you need a shopping service to order there and I'm always a bit meh and do when it is really necessary ... And at Marui One they have in the international shop, only the stupid things D:
I'm pretty level again in the Rori-noise, at least in terms of clothes. Now that, my AATP Ansie OP again and I come home next month, but finally get my Windows print, I've completely revamped my wardrobe and I only things I like to wear:)
I hope my dress coming soon, I always have not received the tracking number, but the girl is also in the stress ö_Ö
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Bounce Pro 14 Ft Trampoline
I lie on the couch and grad gammel. Yesterday Jacob nachgefeiert his birthday and we started at nine, to drink liquor shots. We have a liter of sparkling wine and a three-quarter liter of vodka at the games I've never killed. And although four of them, mostly. And I almost never drink and I've been about half a year no more booze drunk___
then, I was mighty drunk and then I switched to one on water. A good idea, because I was four, and Jacob all rasuschmeißen BaTHROOM FLOOR ship from the bed and did not have a hangover today. For breakfast, then roast chicken with chips gabs and MEZZOMIX and then I have time and a half hours sleep. Was a successful party:)
Yesterday we had our shooting but also with the ominous Niklas (
) in the Charlottenburg Castle Park. Calli, spring and I have cards made outfits and had a lot of fun even though it was cold. Here schonmal a selection of preview images that has sent the Niklas, completely without treatment. I wanted to leave open
my glasses at times to see how I use it to look like ^ ^;
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Language Requirements For Stewardess
be some of you have already read wahrschienlich on Facebook:
Laetitia, the French, which I've bought it, told me yesterday a written PN, it suddenly appeared in her mailbox is. Three days after she received a letter from Franz Post that they can not do anything. Gee whiz, I'm really crying from joy. wait any case, I now count on me the invoice for the new shipment sent, this time I paid ann containing the 25 € or whatever, my latte, the main thing Tracking and Insurance! Next week it might at last be with me. Haha, I have the skirt We are already paid for the most part, that had to come so xD So I paid the outstanding € 72 when my salary is, and then it gets
disarming and wrong, Jacob is not a photo talent xD
yeah, Nina has been wearing glasses yesterday, you used to turn:)
Monday, November 15, 2010
New Style Salon Abu Dhabi
On Saturday we have now made it despite the rain we walked around with our lanterns. Haha, this is not any photos, it looked
I with stylish rain hairstyle xD
Jacob and Melissa
Calli and Masda
spring and Calli
Annika, whose hair looks even disheveled still good * O *
had I to (Sorry, as guck am I for DD?)
Rock IW, blouse Bodyline, Beret AATP, shoes New Yorker (I draw the take them out!)
Rock Detail \u0026lt;3
The others have moved further and then I was smart and I've split off to give the Gechirrspüler. > __ \u0026lt;
Yesterday we went to my grandma who has passed us with bulging bags again. We got a couple of Lindt Advent Calendar (too bad that Jacob is not so much like chocolate and I have to eat all alone:>) and the advent of Katzis \u0026lt;3
Then there tons of Christmas decorations. In two weeks I'll start with the decorating! *____* I'm bad, I like Christmas!
Ach und ich bin wieder blond aufm Kopf, mein Ansatz war schon wieder sooo rausgewachsen, schrecklich DD:
Friday, November 12, 2010
Panasonic Dvi Output Projector
Because I promised
Shoes: New Yorker
Tights: random
Bolero: offbrand
Aaand some detail shots for the bolero and the bodice of the OP<3
Tha lace is pretty awesome!
And yay for internet, the tecnician (or is engineer the right word here? I dunno) came today and connected our flat. I hope it works! *__*
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Eyebrow Waxing Disaster
Auf Dunkelsüß bietet ein Mädchen the black A Midsummer Night's Dream on!
And she agrees to payment by installment, so I try to get the money as soon as possible together. Therefore, I watch your times in my sales post!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Can I Use Iron Curler On Synthetic Hair
Yesterday I had on my new coat, so now like a photo. I had a second, but it refuses to be possible to turn D:
I am a star grown: D
And because she had to, we were then still at H & M and I've bought a blue underwear and pantyhose! And then we were still in the Colosseum and I got a black bolero with long sleeves and black over knees purchased. Aaand then we were in the same wood shop! * O *
Great store, I could have cried. There I got me a Gryffindorpullunder soon and I bought a Quidditch T-Shirt: D
Without Sound (note my great Hogwarts button!):
And Quidditch scarf (yes, I'm totally off grad : P):
I'm so excited for this film. I'll probably just be crying at ;______;
Monday, November 8, 2010
Is There A Furniture Warehouse In Helen
... once again a record. I walk almost to the old form to xD
This weekend was short, I had to work Saturday that is. But I was more productive on Sunday, have bathroom and living room tidy and swept. And then me and Jacob made the lanterns for the parade next Saturday ready. Mine is two-sided, on the one hand, a Katzi handicrafts and the other an owl \u0026lt;3
Jacob has a skull. Unfortunately, you can see the owl in the photo so bad ;___;
xD And then I have sewn a skirt. I had yet this powder blue fabric of the home wanted to cosplay, I actually sew zr AniMaCo, but then not have made it. And then I thought I but with two of the five meters by what could sew. 've Always total the Nähflash lately and I totally feel like I RoRIS Achen sew
xD And because I somehow had no useful cut at home and indeed still have no Internet, I've cut me the deal itself containing hanky . I know in principle how it should, so what the heck. He is not perfect, but already quite good for a start. I'm just annoyed that I do not Vilene had gone for the federal government ... > __>
I am considering to apply a little more or at least below a path pointed aufzunähen if I find beautiful views that fits.
The other models I will on occasion also determined by sewing, but I would like to take cotton satin and velvet * o *
I like anyway Rö ; Bridge rather than clothes, which are also the only thing I can sew
I think, from my Christmas money from dad I'll buy a cardigan or something at Innocent World. Every morning I curse because I'm only three suitable warm jacket or blazer for Lolita and then never find the ausgerchnet DD:
And then Jacob and I go with
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Bread Making In The Industrial Age
Hey, you gefälligt that I post so much xD I hang on for days only IW around the side and keep me from now on (works great!) and then I went to the earlier times AATP page to see if there is something new. Is not there, but finally decent photos of Tarot Card. OMG, I thought it was more like semi-yes but I love it in brown!
Haaach buys me who? ;____;