Saturday, June 3, 2006

Thrush Brazialian Wax

Mr. Dick in Son? XD - GayTime

Sun Bin just come ausm cinema. DaVinci Code. Very informative and really exciting ... but not the blast they can gaze often!

otherwise there NEN still T6 few things to say. Yesterday we went back in the champagne bar from full. If I have happened yesterday as a guest, I would maybe ne pretty Polish woman "check off" XD shizzle. NEN were again pile hetero chicks there!

Anons perhaps something that Li interested. Yesterday again people ausm Connexxion were in t6. (Dad Connex is owned by the father of my boss) and that is the biggest gay disco in Germany! Well and the people there are very extreme on it. Who NEN Dark Room is as big as the t6. At least say it all. There, the guys run around naked and also get in the middle of a disco down XD Well, if I was gay, that would be my place to be!

Well guys and yesterday there were, again in two, which depend otherwise only in connexx. I have it nid even seen, but hats Michael told me (and he is something of ma gay XD), that two guys have in front of my dressing room to the sitting area blown another one. Micheal and literally said: "One had BOAH COMPLETE THE PENIS RIESS" XD lol gay ... are stark

The DJ Contest has indeed now been fixed!. And I will take. Did 30 minutes on a Friday in July. And this Contest 4 days off the ropes. And in the end there is a left and get t6 in the contract as a regular DJ. What worries me very little non is that the whole Spacken will vote because, just from the ground listen to Black, House and Techno. In this respect I am as the underdogs. So I need NEN Striking name and a lot more help from Tim and Connie XD I think if Conni abdanced (hope he is XD) and Tim then join in to feel the other people NEN animated bit and it is really cool. 30 minutes = 5 songs. I'll probably be able to fill any problems.

need only own name and assistance XD


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