tabloid RoX Have pitched just the tabloids and read again NEN report, which makes me throw up my insides. How sick can people be? I'm not talking about any Spack, rape the women or children or the core Polti bescheissn in the vote. I speak of is the Spacken imagine something to be what they were intended nid XD
Hape Kerkeling was apparently bought from the scene and claims that he was in a previous life views nen Spack, somewhere in the Church 2 World War II was shot. And a day later, writing hundreds of Spasm of the tabloid, claiming that they were in their previous life of personal, as is laughing too much to ask XD
One Spack was NEN horse in iron chains, which had to draw some sort of tree trunks and men who spoke Croatian, and was driven ausgepeitsch XD - Maybe he was just besoffn and was kidnapped by traffickers Croatian and the logs were just big black penises, which he calls "pull" had, in handcuffs, somewhere in the depths of a Croatian capital.
Nen other robber was forest, said Phillip son and was blacksmith by profession and by the way he stole from people is, as friend of the forest in nem Schinderhannes Hunsrück -. As a child, too often fallen on the head when robbers Play
maybe XD
Nen other Indian War ... or rather ... a 16 year old Aboriginal girl in America around the year 835v.Chr.! Died with pneumonia and was burned on the wood pile - where to get Indian solln ne pneumonia? XD
And the stark fact is that in this report was not a single simple NEN normal joked. One is abgenippelt on NP earthquake, the other was at the royal court, who was a warrior in Africa, then in turn a fine a lady properly. ALL and died spectacularly. Death by fire in southern France. Death in the temple. And an even treason has done. In England. At some so nen captain and now they went to nem Carnival Association to gleihe uniform to wear XD
So please .... if that time would be running around with a carnival uniforms, then it would explain why it so often was war. Some people are too bad to be thin also no verbal ships. XD At least on such a bekackten level.
Well but at least entertain ... somehow XD