sex test
Wenns already do all ^ ^
Your Boy Side
[] You love hoodies.
[] You love jeans.
[X] Dogs are better than cats.
[ ] It's hilarious when people get hurt.
[X] You've played with/against boys on a team.
[ ] Shopping is torture.
[ ] Sad movies suck.
[ ] You own an X-Box.
[X] Played with Hotwheels cars as a kid.
[ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[X] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[ ] You watch sports on TV.
[X] Gory movies are cool
[ ] You go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[ ] You like going to football games.
[ ] You used to/do collect baseball cards.
[X] Baggy pants are cool to wear.
[ ] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[X] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[X] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[ ] Sports are fun.
[X] Talk with food in your mouth.
[X] Wear boxers.
Total = 10 points
Your Girl Side
[ ] You wear lip gloss.
[ ] You love to shop.
[ ] You wear eyeliner.
[ ] You have some of the same shirts in different colors.
[ ] You wear the color pink.
[ ] Go to your mom for advice.
[ ] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[ ] You hate wearing the color black.
[ ] You like hanging out at the mall.
[ ] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[ ] You like wearing jewelry.
[ ] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[ ] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[X] You don't like the movie Star Wars.
[ ] You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.
[ ] It takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed, and put on make-up and accessories.
[ ] You smile a lot more than you should.
[ ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[X] You care about what you look like.
[ ] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[X] You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
[ ] You wear girl underwear.
[X] Used to play with dolls as little kid.
[] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it.
[] Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone / camera when you're bored.
Total = 4
Yeah, full of man ey oO ^ ^
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Testicle Cleaning Wax
A good deed
As I have just gone out to smoke one, I heard a soft mewl under the windows of the neighbors and there sat a small cat. Brown tabby with a white spot on his chin.
When I was back inside after smoking was already pitifully meowing and wailing and I could not go otherwise than through carefully.
A little cat little 1 year old and very slim, but that's how you know somehow that it's not umbedingt heard so.
The cat made no Decency to run away, take no on the contrary, she had her in his arms and looked good for closeness.
As they wait by the window cried I only thought of 2 ways.
1) They ran away
2) If a loyal cat and she is hungry.
Before I went way 2, I would rather ask you whether it belongs to someone, not that it comes back through the feeding.
So I asked the house if the cat belongs to someone.
the first lady assured me, but that the cat belongs to nobody in the house. So was another unnecessary to ask itself.
am So I get out of your house and sat on the stairs and asked me what I'm doing now with her.
Without hesitation she clung to my legs and I did not know what to do.
you "scratch" at the door told me what she wanted so pure ....
Only I can not keep cats. Then I thought I only bring them a little way away and then go in, so the race behind them does not come.
Well I did it as well ... Only she ran after me as fast as I ging.Doch to the front door just before I turned into the Haustürweg me a note was pinned to the tree on that said "Caution!"
And from experience on such labels people are looking mostly your runaway pet.
So I looked more closely at the note.
on this family was looking for your cat Moritz "Angel," which ran away at 20.10.
And the description fitted perfectly to the cat tore me every step I folgte.Also the note from the tree and the cat took up the arm.
Since I can never really remember street names, I asked passersby where the road is on the docket.
It was right around the corner and there I then ran out with pitifully meowing cat.
was yes, there a family Moritz, but no one answered my ring .... But the front door of the house was open. Then I went
in the floor where the family had their home there to ring the bell again, thinking "maybe yesterday was Halloween, so have issued the bell and forget to turn back."
But no one answered my knock.
My first thought it was just "shit, now what do I do with you?" But then I tried
it to the neighbors and a little girl opened the door.
I asked her if her parents are home and she answered "yes" and in the same breath she told me she knows the cat.
your mother got to the door which looked quite happy that the cat is back.
It was the cat who was wanted on the paper so I gave you the cat in the hope that their owners will soon be home again.
you wanted to have my address and after they had recorded this I went back.
the bottom of the door just a fairly young, black-haired woman came with your child home and out of pure curiosity, I asked if she was Mrs. Moritz. This question
Bejat me and I told her then that I have just found your cat and, to the neighbors and got no one was home.
your hands to his mouth and struck with an undertone in his voice that betrayed me once that she could not at all believe it, she asked "really?" and I nodded. Then they rushed up and I just ran behind times.
The neighbors had noticed it well and had already opened the door, the woman saw your cat and took her in his arms.
She began to cry with joy that she has your cat again.
Then she gave the cat just the neighbors and hugged me out of sheer gratitude and said "I love you" to which I had to smile.
thank you again and again with me and is simply dropped from the clouds that she has your cat again.
They also wanted my address because, as she said "Nothing Dahab", which I told her I would also like nothing at all and am glad that the cat was back at you.
In tears, she nodded and said they will contact me and then I went slowly ... With this warm feeling in the chest reveals the one that one has done something very right ...
As I have just gone out to smoke one, I heard a soft mewl under the windows of the neighbors and there sat a small cat. Brown tabby with a white spot on his chin.
When I was back inside after smoking was already pitifully meowing and wailing and I could not go otherwise than through carefully.
A little cat little 1 year old and very slim, but that's how you know somehow that it's not umbedingt heard so.
The cat made no Decency to run away, take no on the contrary, she had her in his arms and looked good for closeness.
As they wait by the window cried I only thought of 2 ways.
1) They ran away
2) If a loyal cat and she is hungry.
Before I went way 2, I would rather ask you whether it belongs to someone, not that it comes back through the feeding.
So I asked the house if the cat belongs to someone.
the first lady assured me, but that the cat belongs to nobody in the house. So was another unnecessary to ask itself.
am So I get out of your house and sat on the stairs and asked me what I'm doing now with her.
Without hesitation she clung to my legs and I did not know what to do.
you "scratch" at the door told me what she wanted so pure ....
Only I can not keep cats. Then I thought I only bring them a little way away and then go in, so the race behind them does not come.
Well I did it as well ... Only she ran after me as fast as I ging.Doch to the front door just before I turned into the Haustürweg me a note was pinned to the tree on that said "Caution!"
And from experience on such labels people are looking mostly your runaway pet.
So I looked more closely at the note.
on this family was looking for your cat Moritz "Angel," which ran away at 20.10.
And the description fitted perfectly to the cat tore me every step I folgte.Also the note from the tree and the cat took up the arm.
Since I can never really remember street names, I asked passersby where the road is on the docket.
It was right around the corner and there I then ran out with pitifully meowing cat.
was yes, there a family Moritz, but no one answered my ring .... But the front door of the house was open. Then I went
in the floor where the family had their home there to ring the bell again, thinking "maybe yesterday was Halloween, so have issued the bell and forget to turn back."
But no one answered my knock.
My first thought it was just "shit, now what do I do with you?" But then I tried
it to the neighbors and a little girl opened the door.
I asked her if her parents are home and she answered "yes" and in the same breath she told me she knows the cat.
your mother got to the door which looked quite happy that the cat is back.
It was the cat who was wanted on the paper so I gave you the cat in the hope that their owners will soon be home again.
you wanted to have my address and after they had recorded this I went back.
the bottom of the door just a fairly young, black-haired woman came with your child home and out of pure curiosity, I asked if she was Mrs. Moritz. This question
Bejat me and I told her then that I have just found your cat and, to the neighbors and got no one was home.
your hands to his mouth and struck with an undertone in his voice that betrayed me once that she could not at all believe it, she asked "really?" and I nodded. Then they rushed up and I just ran behind times.
The neighbors had noticed it well and had already opened the door, the woman saw your cat and took her in his arms.
She began to cry with joy that she has your cat again.
Then she gave the cat just the neighbors and hugged me out of sheer gratitude and said "I love you" to which I had to smile.
thank you again and again with me and is simply dropped from the clouds that she has your cat again.
They also wanted my address because, as she said "Nothing Dahab", which I told her I would also like nothing at all and am glad that the cat was back at you.
In tears, she nodded and said they will contact me and then I went slowly ... With this warm feeling in the chest reveals the one that one has done something very right ...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
2009 Fastest Top Scanners
I got the job at the school =]
was very nice because, like me. Self-employed with a supervisor learn in the computer room, with additional 4-5 HTML, then after 2 months of the same project, etc. Then make
February starts secondary school.
So like the computer-school me much, I think this can really be fun, because I
1) have to do what
2) What am learning what is fun and what I need for the future
3) I have more money xP
Tomorrow we go, always 9-14 clock, I am so against 15 clock be home ^ ^
I got the job at the school =]
was very nice because, like me. Self-employed with a supervisor learn in the computer room, with additional 4-5 HTML, then after 2 months of the same project, etc. Then make
February starts secondary school.
So like the computer-school me much, I think this can really be fun, because I
1) have to do what
2) What am learning what is fun and what I need for the future
3) I have more money xP
Tomorrow we go, always 9-14 clock, I am so against 15 clock be home ^ ^
Monday, August 27, 2007
C&c Tiberium Wars Install Interupted
Now gehts los ^ ^
Today I had an appointment at the employment office.
As such I was convinced Daser at 28 is, for some reason I was just in the head. At 11 I should be there and at half past 11, I woke up ...
Looked at the paper and saw "27ter" da It first met my half asleep brain.
no documents, no shower, etc. .. called and explained it, whether I should still appear, despite missing documents or whether the date can be postponed.
So I'm still back and only came to 20 in front of 12th
Well, arrived there began the training briefing.
you noted that I was known to be late ... It was only 1 time, I have judged the wrong foot by 10 minutes = /
Lottie The woman was very friendly and cooperative. She has asked me about desires and experiences and why I quit school in Bonn etc.
truthfully I explained it to her and the result can be seen.
morning I have an appointment for a 1 € job at a computer school. There, I've
then several possibilities. The "IT Support" or alternatively "creating websites for profit organizations".
making websites
Participants create, revise and maintain Internet sites of charities such as churches, kindergartens, cultural institutions and associations. In addition, to create their own charitable projects such as the possible establishment of an exchange for honorary appointments, child care etc.
IT support
Participants repair, install and configure PCs for general education and vocational schools. These are already existing computers, but also to be recycled into new missions by donating PCs purchased.
include both job opportunities, depending on existing knowledge, an approximately eight-week training period with computer basics, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, media literacy and computer technology and operating systems, then joins the project phase.
formal qualification
Participants acquire skills to create, maintain and Management of computer networks. Focus is the Microsoft Server 2003 and Windows XP. The four tests for the Microsoft Certified System Administrator will be carried out in 2003 and run track for MCSA 2003rd The certification exams are recognized worldwide, through them, the participants can demonstrate their high level of knowledge.
The course is divided into two 12-week modules network I and network II. Focus of the first module, the operating systems Windows 2003 and XP with Active Directory, the second module, the back office products such as ISA, Exchange and SQL Server treated. The topic of Security, is a large space to mind. Per module will be two MCSA exams. The examination fees are included in the course fees.
(Who wants a closer look at times - -)
This should however only be for the transition, because I will then again after 6 months to school and make my real accounts.
This would fund the employment office. This school also serves the I say "qualify" for further measures. For that I can participate in training measures have to join such things.
Say imagine, I am good and the head of that computer school, I think I was on it (the wife Lottie she my know him and if the means of the person is what he is committed to the one) I will then vll in such a training, which in turn, the office be funded, etc.
So excellent prerequisite to make something of my life: D
I'm still looking for a home and have eiune small 1 bedroom apartment found the cost to all (monthly rent and electricity) about 220 € would fit so exactly in the price range would be.
I hope this works because it is so beautifully cut, just wait I get an appointment and if it is to me like there are no obstacles.
My sister has confirmed that I then furniture (leather sofa, matching chair, coffee table, shelves, dishes, utensils, pots, pans and even a TV set) as soon as I get a flat.
So far everything goes very nicely:)
Today I had an appointment at the employment office.
As such I was convinced Daser at 28 is, for some reason I was just in the head. At 11 I should be there and at half past 11, I woke up ...
Looked at the paper and saw "27ter" da It first met my half asleep brain.
no documents, no shower, etc. .. called and explained it, whether I should still appear, despite missing documents or whether the date can be postponed.
So I'm still back and only came to 20 in front of 12th
Well, arrived there began the training briefing.
you noted that I was known to be late ... It was only 1 time, I have judged the wrong foot by 10 minutes = /
Lottie The woman was very friendly and cooperative. She has asked me about desires and experiences and why I quit school in Bonn etc.
truthfully I explained it to her and the result can be seen.
morning I have an appointment for a 1 € job at a computer school. There, I've
then several possibilities. The "IT Support" or alternatively "creating websites for profit organizations".
making websites
Participants create, revise and maintain Internet sites of charities such as churches, kindergartens, cultural institutions and associations. In addition, to create their own charitable projects such as the possible establishment of an exchange for honorary appointments, child care etc.
IT support
Participants repair, install and configure PCs for general education and vocational schools. These are already existing computers, but also to be recycled into new missions by donating PCs purchased.
include both job opportunities, depending on existing knowledge, an approximately eight-week training period with computer basics, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, media literacy and computer technology and operating systems, then joins the project phase.
formal qualification
Participants acquire skills to create, maintain and Management of computer networks. Focus is the Microsoft Server 2003 and Windows XP. The four tests for the Microsoft Certified System Administrator will be carried out in 2003 and run track for MCSA 2003rd The certification exams are recognized worldwide, through them, the participants can demonstrate their high level of knowledge.
The course is divided into two 12-week modules network I and network II. Focus of the first module, the operating systems Windows 2003 and XP with Active Directory, the second module, the back office products such as ISA, Exchange and SQL Server treated. The topic of Security, is a large space to mind. Per module will be two MCSA exams. The examination fees are included in the course fees.
(Who wants a closer look at times - -)
This should however only be for the transition, because I will then again after 6 months to school and make my real accounts.
This would fund the employment office. This school also serves the I say "qualify" for further measures. For that I can participate in training measures have to join such things.
Say imagine, I am good and the head of that computer school, I think I was on it (the wife Lottie she my know him and if the means of the person is what he is committed to the one) I will then vll in such a training, which in turn, the office be funded, etc.
So excellent prerequisite to make something of my life: D
I'm still looking for a home and have eiune small 1 bedroom apartment found the cost to all (monthly rent and electricity) about 220 € would fit so exactly in the price range would be.
I hope this works because it is so beautifully cut, just wait I get an appointment and if it is to me like there are no obstacles.
My sister has confirmed that I then furniture (leather sofa, matching chair, coffee table, shelves, dishes, utensils, pots, pans and even a TV set) as soon as I get a flat.
So far everything goes very nicely:)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Saree Business From Home Is Good
money but can make you happy ...
far so good, say after a little less break again.
The Office had referred, I now get money again.
And honestly, it can take up to a certain extent happy ^ ^
make at least one does not yearn for things which are beyond price.
Since I have requested ALG2 last month, I received an additional payment from last month and tada, 520 Ocken were on my account. Since I was a bit stunned, because I'm used to so much money not at all ^ ^ So I'm
schwupps in the city and what I've done.
Since my old CRT monitor it was the giving spirit (monitor settings such as contrast and brightness to 100%. However, I had to rape the graphics card settings).
So I have done me a new monitor =^.^= And I love him.
An HP w1907.
19-inch and 1000:1 contrast.
this picture ... This color, size ... * Drools *
And that evening I saw a movie on the part that is as small cinema on the desk ^___^
The daily logs again my sister and I finally get a table and not on the bäuchlängs ground must lie: D
Sunday I look in the newspaper looking for a nice apartment for me. I currently feed
what I want. Currently it looks like this - malt beer, chips with Tsaziki, peanut flips, ice cream and pizza. Sometimes I may even go to the fast-food restaurant next door * g * Oh and ready meals in any single budget WG xD
missing So all in all I am doing very well. I can not complain. I am often on the day my buddy, daddeln PS2 or something, go out and have fun times. =^.^= Just as it should be.
Why do we need a partner? I feel so, some days are much better.
No one in which one is justified has to be somewhere no one the obligation.
No one asks "Where were you". And no one which one has to say just get away and then explain where you are. None of bleating sheep and mäckelt and no one with whom you are or something zofft x)
better than right now as I can hardly walk, I'm just happy with what I have right now and what I do.
* lazy rumwälz and all 4RE stretch of the NEN and ice from the kitchen * obsolete x)
far so good, say after a little less break again.
The Office had referred, I now get money again.
And honestly, it can take up to a certain extent happy ^ ^
make at least one does not yearn for things which are beyond price.
Since I have requested ALG2 last month, I received an additional payment from last month and tada, 520 Ocken were on my account. Since I was a bit stunned, because I'm used to so much money not at all ^ ^ So I'm
schwupps in the city and what I've done.
Since my old CRT monitor it was the giving spirit (monitor settings such as contrast and brightness to 100%. However, I had to rape the graphics card settings).
So I have done me a new monitor =^.^= And I love him.
An HP w1907.
19-inch and 1000:1 contrast.
this picture ... This color, size ... * Drools *
And that evening I saw a movie on the part that is as small cinema on the desk ^___^
The daily logs again my sister and I finally get a table and not on the bäuchlängs ground must lie: D
Sunday I look in the newspaper looking for a nice apartment for me. I currently feed
what I want. Currently it looks like this - malt beer, chips with Tsaziki, peanut flips, ice cream and pizza. Sometimes I may even go to the fast-food restaurant next door * g * Oh and ready meals in any single budget WG xD
missing So all in all I am doing very well. I can not complain. I am often on the day my buddy, daddeln PS2 or something, go out and have fun times. =^.^= Just as it should be.
Why do we need a partner? I feel so, some days are much better.
No one in which one is justified has to be somewhere no one the obligation.
No one asks "Where were you". And no one which one has to say just get away and then explain where you are. None of bleating sheep and mäckelt and no one with whom you are or something zofft x)
better than right now as I can hardly walk, I'm just happy with what I have right now and what I do.
* lazy rumwälz and all 4RE stretch of the NEN and ice from the kitchen * obsolete x)
Friday, August 3, 2007
Changer La Batterie D'une Fox
Werewolf Color
| You scored as Silver , You are a Silver Were. Silver Weres are the spice in the Garou, the strange and unexpected, often rare creatures. The irony of being Silver, even if the metal does not harm Weres like it was beleived, brings joy to the Silver Ones to no end. They are fascinated by the paranormal happenings around them, including themselves!
What Color Werewolf Are You?? created with |
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Mongkong Street Hongkong
talent of the destruction
I seem to obviously have a talent for it, I like the people, hitting them in the head ...
Trygon is not making the week .... Well maybe we will probably never see each other ...
* sigh * What the hell, life goes on well, and remains one of the hardest.
documents are ready for ARGE distended, nurnoch lacks Sozialversicherrungsnummer.
my Kriegsdienstverweigerrung was granted. Am now officially "conscientious objectors".
nochwas? Yes, I should even care about an apartment ...
I long for society to be close to someone to lean on, etc. ..
Somehow .... oh no matter
I seem to obviously have a talent for it, I like the people, hitting them in the head ...
Trygon is not making the week .... Well maybe we will probably never see each other ...
* sigh * What the hell, life goes on well, and remains one of the hardest.
documents are ready for ARGE distended, nurnoch lacks Sozialversicherrungsnummer.
my Kriegsdienstverweigerrung was granted. Am now officially "conscientious objectors".
nochwas? Yes, I should even care about an apartment ...
I long for society to be close to someone to lean on, etc. ..
Somehow .... oh no matter
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sendoff Greetings With Messages
dewowolf After a long pause
after a longer pause is now the promised entry * drumroll *
To put it succinctly, the case in Aacen has gone in my pants, I was going all in the bag. From the person received me, to the eternally long march shopping.
And with a longer conversation with my mother was then decided that I'm going back to Lübeck. So I was from my sister picked up on a Saturday, as they always "close" was. Once in Lübeck
went on it became a mother and everything was discussed further.
same evening I called yet Trygon and have the phone bill so my mother for an hour after phoning Dresden, in the amount Oo
driven On Sunday had my grandma's birthday.
village situated as we were living in the village "Brekendorf" where I had lived for 7 years, to have lunch in the restaurant.
funny feeling the place to ... * Count * 8 years to see again ...
Funny thing was, "Hannah" as my aunt seemed to say they read nothing, but when they "Basti" hote, she was first Vond s socks, they did not recognize me.
Most of the attention of the entire clan was of course to the little daughter of my cousin who is now 7 months ago father.
rastuarant After it went to my grandma because even home. Since I was fully consumed by the 3 course meal over, I had no Desire for the cake and played better with the new dog my aunt =^.^= (YES! Play Ball with the purposes and throw and run xD)
back on the road to Lübeck was of course diskuttiert continue what I'm concerned.
Later in the day I brought my mother to Manuel, where I live temporarily until I have my own apartment that I'm looking right now and right ....
It was signed on at the employment office and right now I am just looking for an apartment and drive to the remaining documents needed by the labor office from me.
- Statements of 13.4 - 7.5
- health insurance secure proxy card (which I apply for a new on Monatg must, but I think an abundant all the data)
- Sozialversicherrungsausweis (is about to happen when I apply for the card)
- and as my mother Bescheinigungw me know. The
everything up to 3.8 - Could be to create, or gibs namely money. : P
The Wehrdienstverweigerrungsbrief is out, then I may soon make Zivi ^ ^
Tonight, my mother picks me up and invites me to the movies "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" field.
Am I curious and really looking forward myself.
I lost in a week already 3 kilos, a lot of light coming through the running around by Lübeck, from office to office and authority * g *
comes between the 4.8-6.8 I Trygon ago also visit me * frond frond frond * worrauf I am also very happy =^.^=
So I pressed the paw at ..... on where you want to push it to me ^ ^
after a longer pause is now the promised entry * drumroll *
To put it succinctly, the case in Aacen has gone in my pants, I was going all in the bag. From the person received me, to the eternally long march shopping.
And with a longer conversation with my mother was then decided that I'm going back to Lübeck. So I was from my sister picked up on a Saturday, as they always "close" was. Once in Lübeck
went on it became a mother and everything was discussed further.
same evening I called yet Trygon and have the phone bill so my mother for an hour after phoning Dresden, in the amount Oo
driven On Sunday had my grandma's birthday.
village situated as we were living in the village "Brekendorf" where I had lived for 7 years, to have lunch in the restaurant.
funny feeling the place to ... * Count * 8 years to see again ...
Funny thing was, "Hannah" as my aunt seemed to say they read nothing, but when they "Basti" hote, she was first Vond s socks, they did not recognize me.
Most of the attention of the entire clan was of course to the little daughter of my cousin who is now 7 months ago father.
rastuarant After it went to my grandma because even home. Since I was fully consumed by the 3 course meal over, I had no Desire for the cake and played better with the new dog my aunt =^.^= (YES! Play Ball with the purposes and throw and run xD)
back on the road to Lübeck was of course diskuttiert continue what I'm concerned.
Later in the day I brought my mother to Manuel, where I live temporarily until I have my own apartment that I'm looking right now and right ....
It was signed on at the employment office and right now I am just looking for an apartment and drive to the remaining documents needed by the labor office from me.
- Statements of 13.4 - 7.5
- health insurance secure proxy card (which I apply for a new on Monatg must, but I think an abundant all the data)
- Sozialversicherrungsausweis (is about to happen when I apply for the card)
- and as my mother Bescheinigungw me know. The
everything up to 3.8 - Could be to create, or gibs namely money. : P
The Wehrdienstverweigerrungsbrief is out, then I may soon make Zivi ^ ^
Tonight, my mother picks me up and invites me to the movies "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" field.
Am I curious and really looking forward myself.
I lost in a week already 3 kilos, a lot of light coming through the running around by Lübeck, from office to office and authority * g *
comes between the 4.8-6.8 I Trygon ago also visit me * frond frond frond * worrauf I am also very happy =^.^=
So I pressed the paw at ..... on where you want to push it to me ^ ^
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Where To Make Type C Exelsior In Rf Online
@ 2007-07-12T13: 29:00
You're a hydra. You have many different outlooks on life, and know how to utilize each one to make the best of any situation. Others may mistake this for hypocrisy or even insanity, but you know yourself better than that. Indecision is your greatest flaw. Your alignment tends slightly towards * evil *.
follows auchmal again tonight maybe a real LJ
You're a hydra. You have many different outlooks on life, and know how to utilize each one to make the best of any situation. Others may mistake this for hypocrisy or even insanity, but you know yourself better than that. Indecision is your greatest flaw. Your alignment tends slightly towards * evil *.
follows auchmal again tonight maybe a real LJ
Friday, May 4, 2007
Sample Of Title For Newsletter
Salary & Barbecue
Yesterday morning my neighbor called Sonja. We're shopping and then to the OBI, because the two (you wanted to grill and your husband).
When we went to Obi for AGIP and I got my salary.
With the money I bought a black light tube, a new desk lamp and a Venus fly trap.
Sun by 19 clock I went to buy something else.
As Fox and his new back in Cologne I had donated to them each a beer and told them if they want to have something to ask them to please, I want to have a few things for me.
I went as against 2 to bed.
I wake up and go to the refrigerator for me to enjoy a semolina pudding. What I see? The two have once again taken beer. Without asking me a question ... It was then when she
back from Cologne came back first Zoff.
eat with you so, just when I see what destroyed the day (for once, things need to eat 5 [potatoes, gyros, vegetables, potatoes and bread]) on it I was just not paying attention, everything is gone again after 1-2 days .
Well, after this violent conflict, where I was allowed to shout at me from Cookie still ... Where he came unbidden into my room .... While he has knocked on but my "no" does not belong ...
we walked slowly to grill with my friends. Meanwhile, armed this
was then "forgotten" even for now.
But as we all conceded my spirits went into the basement. Everybody should do something take back to the top of the flat.
Sonja said "I take my man" and blueshepard said "I'll take Fox"
doofes funny and also feeling the only one sitting there "alone", which I then also realized again .. Later
said Sonja jokingly "Then I was still cut off from you when you go to Aachen, so I have something from you." In my thoughtful minutes I slid out only "Can you even have my heart, I no longer need ".... How to draw a down
own words can. = /
Halfway somehow sad and almost crying, I was again walking in the dark a little half and now I'm back home on the PC and have just fed the plant ....
Yesterday morning my neighbor called Sonja. We're shopping and then to the OBI, because the two (you wanted to grill and your husband).
When we went to Obi for AGIP and I got my salary.
With the money I bought a black light tube, a new desk lamp and a Venus fly trap.
Sun by 19 clock I went to buy something else.
As Fox and his new back in Cologne I had donated to them each a beer and told them if they want to have something to ask them to please, I want to have a few things for me.
I went as against 2 to bed.
I wake up and go to the refrigerator for me to enjoy a semolina pudding. What I see? The two have once again taken beer. Without asking me a question ... It was then when she
back from Cologne came back first Zoff.
eat with you so, just when I see what destroyed the day (for once, things need to eat 5 [potatoes, gyros, vegetables, potatoes and bread]) on it I was just not paying attention, everything is gone again after 1-2 days .
Well, after this violent conflict, where I was allowed to shout at me from Cookie still ... Where he came unbidden into my room .... While he has knocked on but my "no" does not belong ...
we walked slowly to grill with my friends. Meanwhile, armed this
was then "forgotten" even for now.
But as we all conceded my spirits went into the basement. Everybody should do something take back to the top of the flat.
Sonja said "I take my man" and blueshepard said "I'll take Fox"
doofes funny and also feeling the only one sitting there "alone", which I then also realized again .. Later
said Sonja jokingly "Then I was still cut off from you when you go to Aachen, so I have something from you." In my thoughtful minutes I slid out only "Can you even have my heart, I no longer need ".... How to draw a down
own words can. = /
Halfway somehow sad and almost crying, I was again walking in the dark a little half and now I'm back home on the PC and have just fed the plant ....
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I'm I Still A Uk Resident
Half a year - and reach the bottom!
I now have half a year nothing written on LiveJournal. And I probably will not write more often here because I have my activities rather laid on myspace. Whether you're reading my entries or not there is actually a damn! The difference is that Myspace is cooler because of all the music that you can pull themselves purely because!
I hope you are all well and if you thought of me or even written (thanks Finja), then thank you! Btw. is it me only as before or you've lost weight, Fin? You look at your pictures of really hot! XD
Well what's hot? At least nothing good ... but today I had NEN football game and I've umgeknackst 2min after the walk. Hurt like hell. Since I'm not a crybaby, however, but half of devilish half-devil (lol), I've bitten on the teeth and continued playing. We hamn won 9-1 and I scored the 9:1! Nice goal, but my foot still hurts like hell! Was the emergency physician and even perhaps get've got a track with suspected foreign Bandan or even demolition!
The so of my life ^ ^ I do not know if I will still write, but if you have missed me, then inform me so dalassn NEN Comment! See Ya
I now have half a year nothing written on LiveJournal. And I probably will not write more often here because I have my activities rather laid on myspace. Whether you're reading my entries or not there is actually a damn! The difference is that Myspace is cooler because of all the music that you can pull themselves purely because!
I hope you are all well and if you thought of me or even written (thanks Finja), then thank you! Btw. is it me only as before or you've lost weight, Fin? You look at your pictures of really hot! XD
Well what's hot? At least nothing good ... but today I had NEN football game and I've umgeknackst 2min after the walk. Hurt like hell. Since I'm not a crybaby, however, but half of devilish half-devil (lol), I've bitten on the teeth and continued playing. We hamn won 9-1 and I scored the 9:1! Nice goal, but my foot still hurts like hell! Was the emergency physician and even perhaps get've got a track with suspected foreign Bandan or even demolition!
The so of my life ^ ^ I do not know if I will still write, but if you have missed me, then inform me so dalassn NEN Comment! See Ya
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